Category Archives: SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security innovation for setting up a scrambled connection between a web server and a program. This connection guarantees that all information go between the web server and programs stay private and vital. … To have the capacity to make a SSL association a web server requires a SSL Certificate.

Document Required Before Registering SSL EV Certificates

What Document is Required Before Registering SSL EV Certificates What is Extended Validation? Expanded Validation (EV) certificates are single-domain SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates that offer the most noteworthy level of validation and SSL insurance. To guarantee this, they require more assessment and documentation checks for candidate sites than other certificate types. Comodo SSL EV […]

Posted in SSL

Free SSL Certificate for WordPress to boost your SEO

Free SSL Certificate for WordPress to boost your SEO Secure the activity on your WordPress site with a free shared SSL testament from Cloudflare. In this article, we’ll plunge into SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for WordPress sites, realizing what it is, the reason it’s essential, the distinctive varieties of SSL, and how to empower it […]